
Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Nintendo Will Show Wii U "Pikmin" and "Mario" at E3 2012


I don't know about a lot of you, but I'm looking forward to the Wii U. I'm mainly looking forward to the ability to keep playing my game while other people use the TV, but the real draw of the system is going to come from whatever excellent first-party titles Nintendo releases for it.

In a comment earlier today, Nintendo stated that a new Pikmin game featuring your favorite loyal-to-the-death plant critters will be on the Wii U, as well as an as-yet-undisclosed Mario game. Reports point to the new Mario title being similar to New Super Mario Bros. Mii, probably using the same gameplay style and Mii inclusion. Details on both games will be revealed at this year's upcoming E3.

For now, at least, let the speculation begin! What do you want to see out of Wii U sequels for the Mario and Pikmin franchises?

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