
Tuesday 14 May 2013

10 Past Rangers Confirmed for Super Megaforce


10 Past Rangers Confirmed for Super Megaforce, Not counting the Samurai Rangers, it seems that only 10 past actors have signed contracts to reappear on Super Megaforc
One of my sources has confirmed that 10 past cast members have signed contracts and already completed their fitting. Some of these cast members are not active with the fandom and Power Rangers conventions. Jason Faunt confirmed earlier today and Danny Slavin may be one of the other cast members. The Samurai Cast members are not included in the 10 members.

Several cast members got the invite but didn't get the uninvite letter. They are waiting for production to make a decision. These cast members are very excited to return.

My guess is that the production team only allocated for 10 past cast members.

Fury Diamond has now confirmed the 10 actors that will be appearing in Super Megaforce, from Diamond's exact Post here is the list of confirmed Actors that are gonna appear in Super Megaforce:

I got off the phone with my source with a fun list of confirmed cameos. I am waiting confirmation for the final one. They said that only 10 members were confirmed. I don't know whether they are planning for additional cameos since several cast members are still waiting for confirmation / uninvites.

Jason David Frank
Danny Slavin
Melody Perkins
Reggie Rolle
Selwyn Ward
Sean Johnson
Hector David Jr
Brittany Pirtle
Jason Faunt

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