Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Toys'R'Us Exclusive Legacy Power Morpher Update + Review


 It took the time to call a number of Toys'R'Us stores across the country and got some pretty solid details on exactly what distribution centers have stock and an estimate of exactly what amounts. They are as follows:

All distribution centers on the east coast (Philadelphia, North Carolina, New York, Maryland, Chicago, etc.) are showing ZERO Legacy Power Morphers on hand, meaning their shipments have yet to arrive. That area is probably still a week out from getting anything in stores, as the item has to arrive at the distribution center first.

The distribution center in Dallas has 292 Legacy Power Morphers in the warehouse. The Colorado distribution center has over 200 Legacy Power Morphers ready to go. The distrubtion center in California, which services all 12 Toys'R'Us stores, has 256 Legacy Power Morphers to split between those stores, though history has shown us Transformers collectors that they are never distributed equally. So basically, if you're in the Missouri area to the west coast, you should find Legacy Power Morphers in your Toys'R'Us stores THIS WEEK - truck days usually fall on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

Here's also a review by BNGamesReview Checkout the video:

The Legacy Power Morpher will cost around $49.99, Get yours now!


  1. Will this power morpher release in other country?

    1. Not sure, but there are some on ebay :D
