Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition (Japanese: ポケモン+ノブナガの野望) is a spinoff crossover between the Pokémon and Nobunaga's Ambition series of games, a first for the franchise. It is set for a March 17, 2012 Japanese release.

Following a series of news regarding surprising announcements from both Jump Festa 2011 and the first issue of CoroCoro magazine in 2012, the game was revealed December 17, 2011 at the Jump Festa event itself, with the official site launching soon after.Check out the trailer!
The game takes place in the Ranse Region (ランセ地方), a new region that debuted with this game. "Officers", people possessing specials bonds with Pokémon, fight over supreme control of the 17 provinces that make up the region. The protagonist, as the officer leader of Hajime Province, becomes involved in the unfolding war of the many strong leaders, led by Nobunaga, who seek to cause the downfall of Ranse.

Second Trailer
Many armies are placed throughout the 17 provinces of Ranse, fighting over their castles. Furthermore, each of the 17 province is deeply tied to a single Pokémon type, Hajime Province having strong ties to the Normal Type.
It is set for a March 17, 2012 Japanese release.
It is set for a March 17, 2012 Japanese release.
Source: pocketmonster.net
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