Bluefin Tamashii Nations USA have begun teasing what they're going to
be bringing to San Diego Comicon and earlier today they threw up the
above image on their Facebook page. Shot through heavily frosted glass,
it's impossible to make out any fine detail, but one thing's for certain
- that's a colour-coded team of five and that means Super Sentai/Power Rangers S.H. Figuarts.
The question then of course becomes: which team? Given the colour
layout (Pink/Green/Red/Blue/Yellow) and the fact this appears to be a
complete set of figures, that pretty much narrows it to two options. A
few people are suggesting Samurai Sentai Shinkenger/Power Rangers Samurai but I'm pretty certain this lot are from Pirate Sentai Gokaiger, soon to be adapted into Power Rangers Super Megaforce.
If so, it's a release that makes a lot of sense for Bluefin given the
upcoming TV show. One interesting wrinkle is that in Japan Yellow and
Pink were Tamashii Web Shop exclusives and now command high aftermarket
prices. If this is to be a regular releases, it'll afford a lot of
collectors who missed out on them first time round a second
shot to complete the team.
Source: Tokunation
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